Just a Psychic?: Power of Air Book 1 Read online

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  I brewed some coffee and cleaned up a bit. I had the feeling I needed to be here in the apartment. It did not take me long to figure out why. I heard a knock at the door just a few minutes later.

  I opened the door and Diana stood there. I had not hallucinated last night with the pain. If anything she was even more attractive then I remembered. She was wearing some casual jean shorts which showed off her legs nicely and a light pink tank top. I fought with my mind about a vampire looking ready to go to the beach for a suntan.

  “Come in Diana.”

  She walked in with a mischievous smile, enjoying my appraisal and returning it. I felt a twinge of my poorly developed social skills but shook it off. I started to question my assumption that it was because I was out of my age group when I was younger. Could it have been because of suppressing my memory and magic I haven’t felt like a whole person since I was 5?

  I was still a bit nervous and inexperienced dealing with woman I found attractive. That wouldn’t change overnight, but I wasn’t paralyzed with doubt and awkwardness like I would have been two days ago.

  I gave up the self diagnosis and offered her some fresh coffee.

  “That would be great, thanks.”

  We wound up on the couch again after I had gotten a couple of cups for us. That’s when she dropped the reason she had come by, and it wasn’t to help me find someone to train me as I hoped.

  She said tentatively, as if nervous I wouldn’t take it well, “I have a request from the council. After they heard my report last night they were fascinated with the idea of hiring someone with your talents. Your ability to track someone or pinpoint where they will be would be indispensible. Especially in a city on a large lake, it’s ridiculously easy to break a scent trail.

  “But they would want to meet you first. I… Kept the personal stuff you shared secret, but I had to reveal what happened and explain how.”

  I thought for a second then said, “I could always use another client, I assume that is how it would work?”

  She said a little more confidently, “Yes, of course. You would be hired on a case by case basis, assuming you pass their assessment. I need to warn you, be polite when we see them. They are from an older age and have not adjusted at all to the informality of this time. They do not react well to disrespect, even if it was not intended as such.”

  I took a deep breath and nodded. I was nervous about meeting ancient vampires but I could use the money, plus having the contacts couldn’t be bad. I was also looking forward to working with Diana. I wondered if that’s where the feelings of more came from last night. For some reason that thought depressed me.

  “When did they want to see me?”

  She said with a hint of humor and a light smile, “No time like the present…”

  I had a nervous thought, “They aren’t underground are they?”

  She laughed. “No, this isn’t the movies. They have an office floor in a high rise. No throne room or creepy torches either. The council mostly deals in real estate. You manage to make a lot of money and own a lot of land over that much time. Hope I didn’t disappoint you.”

  Vampire realtors. Who would have thought? I held back a chuckle, barely.

  “No, that sounds perfect actually. I guess I am ready to go,” relief colored my voice. Perfect.

  That I didn’t have to go underground that is. I wasn’t looking forward to having to do that anytime soon, especially now that I would be able to see the earth elementals. Although maybe not, I haven’t seen another elemental besides Aitheria yet and I wasn’t sure why that was. Were they rare, or was I just not using my power right, or was it her effort that allowed me to see? Maybe some mix of all three?

  I locked up the apartment and we headed up town. Diana was being affable but seemed a little more distant today, not as relaxed and flirty as last night. I wondered if that was about me or the council. Or did I imagine a mutual attraction with my head injury? Then I realized I was a little obsessed about how she saw me because of how I was drawn to her and I pushed down my meandering thoughts about it. Or tried to.

  I didn’t even know her yet, and my feeling of more between us last night could easily be us working together and my attraction was just confusing my impressions, was most probably that even. What would a centuries old vampire find attractive in a just legal to drink man after all?

  We pulled into a parking garage under a large office building and took an elevator up to the twenty third floor. She led me to a small conference room where we waited for while.

  Diana stood and motioned me up so I stood as well. Just before they walked in the room. Their presence was overwhelming to my gifts. With Diana I could feel she was a vampire, my gift giving me the knowledge. With these three the knowledge was loud and obvious.

  There were two that looked Grecian in descent, the third looked Celtic or Irish. They all looked younger than I was. One even looked like a teenager. It seemed odd to me, but I guess at 15 back then you were a man starting your own family already. The present must get on his nerves… He wouldn’t be able to do anything legally.

  Diana introduced them to me. Charis was the short woman who looked of Grecian decent. She had dark skin and was petite. Alexios was the one that looked like a teenager but his eyes had wisdom and age in them. Ceara was a beautiful redhead, and felt to me the youngest of the three, even though she looked oldest in physical age.

  All three were intimidating, it was only a little better when they took seats and we joined them but not by much.

  Alexios said, “Diana has explained the purpose of this meeting?”

  “Yes sir she has.”

  They just studied me for a while, it was a little creepy actually but I resisted the urge to say something and just waited. They wouldn’t be my first difficult client after all, just my strangest. By far.

  Ceara said, “Explain to us what you do.”

  I said, “Well most of what I know how to do is focus on a person or place, a picture. I can usually tell where they are, or will be. Sometimes I get motivations or circumstances, not always.”

  Charis looked skeptical so I continued, “I can work off a success type pay scale if you wish, but I assure you for the most part I can track someone down.”

  Charis shook her head, “You misunderstand my expression. You are a sorcerer no? You should be able to do much more than that. And clarify ‘for the most part’ will you?”

  I sighed, “I haven’t known what I am for very long and have no one to train or teach me, so I only told you what I can do reliably. As for the rest, I can tell you the rogue’s last victim before last night is buried four feet under the ground in the woods. I just can’t tell you what woods or where. That is what I meant by when I said for the most part. But for a live person that usually isn’t an issue, as they move around and don’t live in a dark place.

  “If I figure out anything else I can let you know. I was able to move very fast the other night, but when I tried to duplicate it I had no idea what to do or how to accomplish it. Not really a marketable skill at this point ma’am.”

  I would not tell them where my difficulties originated so that better do. The idea of telling them about my tragedy leading to this lack of control and understanding of my magic gave me the chills. Although they could probably guess, or easily research it, they won’t be hearing it from me.

  The room descended into awkward silence again as they studied me. At least it was awkward for me. I tried to keep my face neutrally respectful the best I could and kept my mouth shut.

  At last Alexios nodded slowly and said, “You will do. Diana will contact you when we need your particular skills. You may go.”

  I got up slowly and waited outside by the elevators for Diana. They definitely made me nervous, but the job was pretty much what I did already. Instead of finding human murderers and kidnappers, or saving a lost or runaway child, I was apparently going to be tracking supernatural killers. I wonder if I get hazard pay for that.

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  Wednesday, July 29th, 2015, 12:45 pm

  Diana had a big smile when she saw me waiting.

  When we got on the elevator she turned to me and said, “You impressed them, hardly squirmed at all.”

  I laughed and said, “I was too afraid to squirm, they are definitely intense.”

  She nodded, “They loosen up a bit as you get to know them. It’s a mindset too. Of course you won’t have to deal with them much, unless you really screw up,” she ended that with an evil smile.

  “Thanks for making me feel comfortable about things,” my voice dripping with fake sarcasm.

  She asked, “Lunch?”

  “Sounds good to me, you eat solid foods too?”

  She snickered, “Alive remember? I can eat whatever I want.”

  She seemed a lot more like I remember her from last night. She must have been worried about the council meeting more than she let on. I wondered what vampires needed blood for if they could eat and drink normal foods, but I wasn’t sure how to bring up the subject.

  We wound up at a Greek restaurant and enjoyed our meal. Diana was currently giving me a general rundown on what’s out there.

  “Well I explained most about Vampires last night. There are also werewolves out there, but they can change whenever they want, not just on the full moon. They do tend to be a little rough around the edges though socially.

  “Elementals exist, but they are creatures made of pure magic and as you know only a sorcerer can see them and even communicate with one.

  “Witches exist as well, get their power from elementals but not directly like you would, they need to chant or do a spell. That might be your best bet for training if you can’t find a sorcerer to help you.”

  I asked with a grin, “So yellow pages then?”

  She rolled her eyes at my joking sarcasm and said, “Okay, I’ll ask around for you, see what I can find out.”

  We talked a bit more over desert and coffee. I was having a good time and enjoying every smile I could drag out of her. But I decided my vision must be the work with thing, since this council and job came through so quickly. Regardless of what I thought I couldn’t help but notice the disappointment in my gut when lunch ended and she left to get on with her day. I needed to go as well. I was due at my office.

  Possibly the strangest part of my power was when I started to work on something and I had no idea why, but that was the case today. I had a vision of an 8 year old girl crying, living in New Jersey. I even got the address. I booted up the computer and started doing research. Her name was Anna Mills and she lived with her parents George and Margaret. I got a funny feeling about that so I kept digging.

  I got the school she attended and I also found a facebook page for Margaret that had pictures of Anna on it. I looked a little more and didn’t find anything else. I found myself printing out the information. The address, name, web sites, everything I had learned and I stuffed it in a brown manila envelope.

  Then I sat back and waited for inspiration. Nothing. No idea why I had this information or why I had looked it up. I heard the front door open so I got up and opened the inner office door.

  Oh crap. I had forgotten to send Frank and Aiya a health update. My mind had been too tied up with Diana and I forgot. I smiled at Aiya and held up my hands.

  “Sorry I didn’t call or text, I got wrapped up in something this morning and forgot.”

  She just stared at me so I stammered on feeling like a heel, “Sorry really, I feel fine though and my head feels normal,” I just kind of tapered off at that point as she moved closer.

  Much closer.

  She was staring into my eyes from well inside my personal space, her liquid brown eyes pulled me into their depths. She was so close I could smell her scent and I firmly reminded myself I wasn’t attracted to her that way, even if she was physically attractive to me. Okay, extremely physically attractive to me.

  Then I felt a spark of guilt at my sudden attraction. Guilt? What do I have to feel guilty about? My mind swung to Diana and I flushed at the thought. Aiya seemed to have missed my discomfort and the effect her body so close to mine had on me as she stepped back and nodded in satisfaction.

  She said warmly, “Good, your eyes look much better than they did last night, I was worried. I guess I can forgive you overlooking your promise this once since you were injured and delirious when you made it. I am surprised you remembered at all, you were kind of out of it.”

  I smiled back feeling relieved, “Thanks, won’t happen again. Did you or Frank need anything else? I haven’t gotten in touch with him today either.”

  She shook her head no and said mischievously, “Just making sure your okay. You know Frank, concerned about his percentage of successfully closed case rate, he sent me over.”

  I laughed and said, “Thanks so much for the concern for my friends’ career.”

  We heard a knock and someone open the outer door, there was a 35 year old man there and I heard Aiya sigh sadly.

  She whispered, “Cold case, 5 years old.”

  The guy walked over and knocked on the inner office, his eyes widened when he saw Aiya.

  He greeted her, “Detective,” then turning to me he asked, “Can you help me? My daughter was taken 5 years ago.”

  He looked defeated, like he was going through the motions. Hope barely a spark within him as the years had taken its toll. I waited for him continue.

  He waved his hand at Aiya, “The police haven’t found anything, and although I appreciate this young lady looking into the cold case for me it isn’t helping. I thought maybe a private investigator could help?”

  He handed me a picture of a three year old. I was staring at Anna Mills and I got the chills for a second. Sometimes my power even freaks me out. I did what I had to, what always made me feel bad. Like I was selling a little girls future for money. But I needed to pay the bills. If I was out on the street I couldn’t help anyone.

  I said, “I can help, I charge five hundred a day, will that be a problem?”

  The guy shook his head and pulled out a checkbook and wrote it out right there. Aiya had her eyes up looking at me in disbelief because I didn’t say maybe, I said can. Of course she didn’t know I had the information right behind me on the desk either.

  He tore off the check and handed it to me. I filed it to scan in later.

  I said, “Now when I find her I’ll have to turn the information over to the police, and they will probably have to get the FBI involved. You will hear from us very soon, can I keep this picture?”

  I wouldn’t tell him I already had the information, I was freaked out, and I had a feeling Aiya would be too, but at least she already knows about my ability and believes in it.

  He nodded, “Go ahead, I have made a lot of copies over the last 5 years.”

  As he turned around and left I almost changed my mind, I wanted to see his face go from sadness and desperation to hope and happiness, but I squashed that selfish desire and let him go. I knew the feeling wasn’t really about him and I did not need the recognition.

  After he was gone Aiya gave me a serious look, “I hope you can help him after you told him in that way.”

  I smiled and asked, “Okay, don’t freak out?”

  She looked at me strangely and nodded. I grabbed the envelope off the table and dropped in the picture of her younger face and handed it to her.

  “Anna Mills lives in New Jersey, except she isn’t Anna Mills. Got to help keep up that percentage of cold cases too for you helpless detectives,” my mouth was fighting a grin as I winked at her.

  She held it up and asked, “How?”

  I shrugged and said, “Got a vision of her a few hours ago and did all the research. I didn’t even know why until he walked in the door and handed me that picture.”

  She started walking toward the door in a daze then turned and blushed holding the folder up. “I…”

  I just waved at her to get out of here. She smiled at me and left. I knew one thing,
I would take freaked out and grateful over freaked out and scared any day of the week.

  Chapter 6

  Thursday, July 30th, 2015 8:02 am

  It was early but I was up. I was determined to take a day off today as I didn’t feel a need to go into the office. I had my kindle loaded with a few books on my reading list and I was comfortable on the couch. A fresh cup of coffee by my side and I was set to start. Of course that’s when my doorbell rang. Doesn’t anyone use the phone? When I opened my door I immediately retracted the thought.

  Diana should never use the phone if she could show up in person.

  I said, “Come in, make yourself at home.”

  I watched her do exactly that as she grabbed another mug from the kitchen and poured a coffee. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her moves were graceful and she had been stuck in my mind since I saw her at lunch. But the memory of her from yesterday paled next to the reality. She had on black jean shorts this time with a white tank top.

  She sat down on the couch next to me and said, “Thanks,” nodding at the coffee.

  She took held out a pile of papers and said, “You ready for your first case?”

  I smiled and nodded as I started going through the papers. She leaned close and commented on the different pages. Her close proximity was having an effect on me but I tried to ignore it as best I could.

  They were having trouble tracking this guy down called Darrick. He was a few hundred years old and a cruel bastard who hated the no kill rules and broke off from their society. He was exceedingly good at hiding his whereabouts and what made him more dangerous than an average rogue is he took a number of vampires with him. Including a mate just as twisted whose name is Vivian.

  She said, “There is also a possibility he has a witch named Tressa helping him disguise his scent and keep hidden.”

  “So when do we start?”

  She answered, “Ten o’clock tonight, but I have somewhere I need to take you now.”