The Formerly Dark Mage Read online

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  I thought about it for a second, then sighed. With sudden affection ringing in my voice I said, “I will miss you master.”

  He looked at me surprised, I never called him that. And certainly not in that tone of voice. “Now you’ve caught me off guard, we can still talk, share theories. I have a feeling I’ll be asking you questions in a couple of years.”

  I blushed, nope, still couldn’t take a compliment.

  He reached out and touched my head, I felt the master-apprentice bond break. It was a bitter sweet moment. I was proud of myself, I would be a master mage now.

  He said, “Now, the final lesson, which is given to few. Be careful, never even hint to an apprentice at the truth, it would cause problems. Even most masters aren’t prepared for the truth.”

  I nodded soberly, wondering what the truth could possibly be.

  He asked, “Have you ever wondered why magic worked? I mean glyphs, what are they exactly?”

  I shrugged, “Language of magic? That’s what I always assumed anyway.”

  He nodded, “And what is the purpose of language?”

  I answered, “To communicate…”

  He asked, “So, what does that mean?”

  I said jokingly, “That magic is sentient.”

  When he didn’t smile or frown, I froze.

  I said, “But… Why did I not see that before. It’s obvious. Isn’t it?”

  Hollis replied, “Yes, it is. But magic is more than sentient, and I believe they do not want to be worshipped. So they… meddle so you don’t put two and two together. Would it disturb you to know that I wasn’t the one that made the decision to tell you the truth?”

  I spoke slowly, my thoughts trying to catch up, “Them? Of course, one for each, dark, light and neutral. More than sentient… don’t want to be worshipped… gods?” My mind was slowly wrapping around the possibilities.

  Hollis smiled, “Exactly, and here is the last glyph I will teach you as my apprentice. It is not written down anywhere, do not do so.” He displayed a simple glyph in the air, it took me moments to memorize it.

  Hollis said, “It is the commune glyph. It is not meant for worship or prayer, but to… create shortcuts. What I mean is, you can create your own glyph, then use commune and specify a two spell combination to your new glyph, or even up to three spells cast consecutively. The second thing you can do is ask the gods to hold a contingency for you.

  “What I mean is, ask them if you get wounded and knocked out, to automatically cast heal on your body. Or if you get poisoned to cast remove poison. The possibilities are almost endless, but you can only have one at a time.”

  My cynical side, which has been quiet the last few months, reared her head, “So, what do they want then?” What do they get out of it…

  Hollis shrugged, “The more spell casters there are the more powerful they become. That seems to be all they want. They don’t want to be worshipped, so just keep the master secret from apprentices. I have never been asked for anything from them at all outside of keeping the commune glyph out of any written record and only telling other mages about them at their request.”

  I nodded, this was a lot to take in. Although it didn’t change much, it changed everything. I needed to think about what I should do about contingency and give some thought to some glyphs.

  I squeaked, “Anything else I should know?”

  He said, “No Silvia, except now you have master status. I’m heading over to enroll your name.”

  I gasped, “But I would look horrible in white!”

  He laughed as he walked out the door. I guess he didn’t realize I was serious. I wasn’t hung up on the whole white robes and light mages being weenies anymore, but seriously, I looked great in blue or green.

  Then another thought, if I was no longer an apprentice and in his service, would I be able to stay? There was only one master level court wizard after all.

  Chapter 7

  My mind was going in a million directions. Thoughts of creating a glyph to cast all my personal hygiene and appearance spells. There were so many possibilities I didn’t know where to start. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I shook my head, maybe I would do housekeeping stuff at some point, but I needed to focus on dangerous situations first.

  I spent the rest of the morning creating glyphs. One to cast all my protective spells in one shot. Then ten more for what I would commonly use in combat. Everything else could go the slow way, which to be truthful, wasn’t really all that slow at all. Partial seconds only counted in a fight really. Other things could be done in leisure. I decided I wouldn’t have as many personal glyphs as I first thought.

  I gave a lot of thought to the contingency idea. I decided to go with, if I were unconscious with someone trying to kill me and made it a triple spell. It would heal me and a hidden magic earth elemental would swallow me and take me underground to bring me somewhere safe.

  I might change it later, but it was better than nothing.

  I cast commune. I can barely describe the feeling, it felt like being watched by something so powerful it could crush me with a stray thought. But, I didn’t feel any animus toward me either, they were just watching. I knew they could speak to me if they so chose, but apparently they had nothing to say. I was more than okay with that fact.

  I built up my eleven shortcut glyphs, then explained my contingency and what I wanted to happen. My focus had built amazingly over the last twelve months. I had never tried three spells at once before but I didn’t have a problem at all.

  You would think I had an exciting enough day by now right, but no, someone decided I needed more excitement. When I dropped the commune spell and regained awareness of my surroundings… there was a light glow in the room. The light being, the one that both saved me, and used me to stop a war, stood there studying me.

  He/she/it said reluctantly, “I have come to dissolve the promise between us, you are no longer forbidden from casting dark magic.”

  I felt the geas melt off my body and fall away. Seriously big day, I just sat there with my mouth open. Finally I said, “Why?”

  It sighed and said, “I was told to. You cannot be a true master without access to all three gods. It was also interfering with your free will, you would never have taken a chance on running and taking the princess with you if you could have stayed and taken over the demesne. You are different now, yourself, free. I hope you can one day forgive me for my trespass, and even maybe, feel thankful for it.

  “I have checked in with you over the last few months, you have done well.”

  I was both angry as hell, and thankful. However I really didn’t want to argue with this powerful being but I was getting closer.

  I asked sharply, “Anything else?”

  It shook its head and wished me well as it faded away.

  Dark magic. Sacrifice, mind control, necromancy, Demon summoning. I wanted no part of it, any of it. The being was right, my life was much better right now than it could have ever been back in Zual. I was just angry to be manipulated, and even worse, knowing I wouldn’t have made that decision, the right decision, without it.

  The important thing? Find a way to not have to wear white robes. And find out if I can still stay. Maybe I should just stick around and wait for someone else to bring it up? Passive aggressive planning… almost never worked. But the thought of leaving my life here was too depressing to contemplate right now.

  I made my way to lunch in my green robes, completely ignoring the white ones someone left on my bed. Maria grinned when I walked in and said mock sternly, “Out of uniform?” Her eyes were twinkling with mischief, she knew exactly how much I didn’t want to wear white.

  I glared and said, “I can’t possibly, white would make look all pale like a ghost. There has to be other options…” I trailed off with a doubtful expression. Maybe white with green, or blue, trimmings? I sighed, it was hopeless.

  Maria laughed at my pain, that wasn’t right. I happened to see Zand glaring at me out of the c
orner of my eye. I wondered if it was because I was a master, or if he realized he sucked as a spy, or both. That did make me smile a little. I started to pile food on my plate.

  Emory said, “We need to talk in private after lunch, so don’t disappear anywhere.”

  I nodded glumly, guess my awesome plan of ignoring it wasn’t working to great. Except, by the look on Maria’s face maybe this wasn’t about me having to leave now.

  As always I cast detect poison before I started to eat, then dug in with gusto. I was absolutely starving after the morning I just had. As I ate I realized I had no real choice in the matter. I was a master mage, wearing these robes declared me an apprentice. I really didn’t want to wear the white, but anything else would be a lie. This sucked.

  After lunch I followed Emory and Maria into one of the warded conference rooms. I was surprised at the look of mutiny on Maria’s face, and the look of regret and determination on Emory’s. The king was apparently waiting for us along with Hollis, who raised his eyebrow in my direction.

  I said gloomily, “Don’t worry, I’ll go change after this meeting. I also need to tell you about something.”

  He just nodded, his eyes twinkling. Damn it. I had thought about keeping my restored access to dark magic a secret, but on balance, decided to share. We were long past the mistrust.

  The king turned to Maria, ignoring my breach of protocol, and said, “Maria, niece, it is past time. You are twenty one now. Sandoval has a prince around your age. We need to remain on good terms with them, if they turn on us we will be surrounded by ocean and enemies.”

  Maria shook her head, “I don’t want a political marriage, I didn’t care for Prince Levi at all when we met either. I didn’t get along with his sister as well.”

  Emory said patiently, “Six years ago, they are sure to have changed a lot since their middle teens. I’m sorry daughter, but you have had a lot of time and you have never found someone. It’s hard to marry for love for those of us in power, you can never be sure.”

  I was feeling uncomfortable, wondering what I was doing here. As if the king had read my mind he turned to me and said, “Sylvia, since as of this morning you are no longer a court mage, having left the service of Hollis to become a master mage yourself. Congratulations. I don’t know if you have any plans, but I was hoping you would go with my daughter to Sandoval, as protection, and for companionship. You are of course, welcome to stay here, or move on altogether if you please.”

  I didn’t really have any plans, considering I was surprised with my elevation just four hours ago. My old self would have thought that last part a ploy of manipulation, but I knew the king was sincere. I would be happy to go with Maria, rather than strike out on my own, or miss my closest friend. But I wasn’t sure about inter-kingdom politics and asked, “What… I mean, I would like to go. But how does that work, don’t they have court mages?”

  The king nodded and said, “You are a master mage, but when princesses are given into betrothal they usually take woman friends with them, usually ladies in waiting, but it shouldn’t raise any eyebrows. Especially since you hold the lowest noble rank of Lady, just for being one of the court mages.”

  I knew that but had forgotten, the only title of importance to me was master mage.

  Emory added, his face serious, “Plus, we haven’t seen any of the royal family from Sandoval in years, it would make me feel better knowing you were there to watch out for her since her knight escort will only be there to protect her during travel. Inside the palace, her safety is their responsibility, it would be an insult to ask them for her to keep guards from Lethia.”

  I nodded, “And if they treat her badly? How much rope do they get before you want me to start a war and run, if in fact anything like that happens. Sorry if that is blunt, I need guidelines though. I am barely up to speed on internal politics, much less inter-kingdom ones.”

  The king smiled at that and said, “Try to ignore veiled insults and political backbiting. If they actually physically harm Maria, do what you must. If they are outright insulting just take Maria and leave. I truly expect that none of this will be necessary however, they would not do so unless they planned to go to war.”

  I nodded soberly, “When do we leave?” The miserable look on Maria’s face was getting to me.

  Emory answered, “Tomorrow morning.”

  The king dismissed us, and Hollis walked with me back to my quarters. I cast a quick ward after closing the door, since I would be discussing the master secret, at least in passing. I told Hollis what happened after my first commune, how the light being had restored my access to dark spells.

  Hollis asked, “Does this disturb you?”

  I shook my head, “No, not really. I have no desire to cast any dark spells. I think this was the gods returning my free will to me. At least, that is how I choose to see it. Does it concern you?”

  Hollis replied, “Not a bit. You’re not evil Sylvia, it just took you some time away from that dark place for you to see it.”

  I hoped he was right, I had once done evil things to avoid death, would I do so again if I was forced? Does that make me evil? I would never do so without that threat, I would have to be satisfied with that answer, for now.

  He snickered when I looked at the white robes.

  He started to step out of my room, “Get changed, I bet it won’t be so bad…”

  I said mock angrily, “How would you know?”

  He shrugged and said, “I can’t imagine you looking bad in anything.” Winking he closed my door, leaving me alone.

  I pulled off my blue robes and put on the white ones, something I would never have imagined doing a year ago. I stepped over to the mirror and looked. White did make me look a little paler, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had feared. I snorted at the look of pride and accomplishment on my face, then I got to packing. When I finished, my books and spare white robes put away as well as a few personal knick knacks I had picked up. I looked around at the room I called home for the last fourteen months, wistfully wondering if I would ever see it again…

  The rest of my last day was filled with congratulations for my elevation to master mage and how they would miss having me around. A few of them, very few, were actually sincere about it. Dinner was a large affair since the princess was also leaving in the morning. I saw the concerned looks Emory kept sending Maria’s way. I guess he wasn’t as relaxed about this as it appeared in the meeting today.

  Worries of a parent? Or something else? I shook my head, it wasn’t my place to ask. I also wondered, if they were sending Maria to the crown prince, next in line for Sandoval, who would be in Lethia to rule in twenty to thirty years when the king and his brother passed on? It seemed strange to me, but I guess they still had time to find new wives. Maybe combine the kingdoms? I gave up thinking about it, I was a court mage and now I’m unemployed, a lady in waiting.

  Still. It seemed very strange sending her away like that.

  Dinner broke up and I went back to Maria’s room as usual. I didn’t bring up any of my questions, she already had enough to worry about. Then she broached a topic that was not so comfortable to me.

  Maria looked at me curiously and said, “For me, finding a marriage prospect that didn’t look right through me and see a throne was seemingly impossible. At least, for the small pool I had to work with. Let me ask you though, I have noticed some men trying to get your attention this past year. A lot of them who were good men, why haven’t you…”

  I sighed and said, “Well, you know I am young for a master mage. I’ve spent almost every moment studying and practicing magic during the day. I just didn’t make time for it.”

  While this was strictly true, Maria gave me a look that said she understood completely that I had dodged the question. Or at least, that I had not given the full truth, the real reason for my celibacy.

  I replied to that look with a sigh, “Do you really want to know?”

  She just nodded.

  I said softly, “Aro
und thirteen, my body matured. I was surrounded by evil men. Until I was able to gain the power to become second, I could not resist, you understand?”

  She was a bit wide eyed at that, and just nodded.

  I continued in an even softer voice, “I did not manage to become second until I was sixteen when I summoned and subdued my first demon. I have not allowed a man to touch me in that way since. I… can’t.” I could not say the next thought allowed. Every apprentice who touched me in those three years died. I almost smiled at that because the master punished me severely for that, but it was so worth it.

  I would have thought talking about that, dredging up the memories of that time, would make me cry… Right? But no, my heart was a stone. I wound up holding and comforting Maria for a while instead, as she cried for me. My friend, crying for me when I could not. I think I was blessed, very lucky to escape that evil that surrounded me and had made up my life. Finding my way to this place, and these people who had taken me in. But still, I am quite sure a part of me is irrecoverably broken.

  When she calmed down we talked of other things. We carefully avoided discussing the trip on the morrow and turned in early. We had a long day coming tomorrow…

  Chapter 8

  Early the next morning I was waiting with Maria as the preparations to go were completed. We had a single carriage, six Knights on horseback, and fifty soldiers. There were also a wagon with tents and food, just in case.

  Two men were apparently scouting ahead on horseback, and would make arrangements at the villages we stopped at on the way. So the princess, the Knights and I would have rooms ready at an inn, and the troops would have somewhere to go. Probably a barn with fifty of them. I don’t know what arrangements were being made on the other side, but it was at least another week to Sandoval’s capitol.

  Apparently there were arrangements to send four of the knights and thirty soldiers back when we got to the border, where Sandoval’s guard were supposed to meet us. The natural border, a wide river between the two kingdoms, was about a week of travel to the west. The capitol of Lethia and most of her troops were much closer to the Zual border, to make it easier to counter an attack from that direction.