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The Formerly Dark Mage Page 8
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Page 8
I wanted to talk to Jason about it, see if he noticed the same things, but it was impossible to get a private moment with him. Samuel or one of his guards was always hanging around. I could have pulled him in a tent and put up a ward, but I knew that would have set off more problems. He didn’t look entirely happy, but that could have just been about having to deal with Samuel all the time.
The good news was I was done with the staff, I had finished the ritual spell for a travel portal. I had also added the enchantment for hidden magic. According to my senses the bracelet I was wearing was nothing but a piece of wood with a pretty design on it. I also had about a quarter of the staff left for additional glyphs, but for now I was done. Perhaps I would look for a useful shorter ritual to add later, but for now, it was finished.
Of course, I still didn’t know if it would work. But testing it now was out of the question.
As far as my concerns, well, we would reach the palace sometime tomorrow. We were heading toward a village a half days ride away from the Capitol. When we were entering the town I started noticing a lot of glares before the villagers put their heads down and moved out of our way. I thought back to my initial conclusions about Lethians being enslaved through coin and societies’ mores. It would only work as long as they felt free and happy. Too much abuse in their lives would turn them quickly against the king. That wasn’t an issue in Lethia, most of them appeared happy to me.
It seemed to me in this place they were close to revolution, yet, I still didn’t see any cause. The inn we stopped at was empty save the owner and servers. Samuel claimed the villagers were leaving it to us and the soldiers for security sake when they made preparations for our arrival.
Dinner was strained. I knew the others felt it, because we were all painfully formal instead of on a first name basis all week. As if we instinctively didn’t want them to see us being informal at all. The idea that this was somehow all in my paranoid mind died in this last town.
After we ate, I turned to Maria and said, “Princess, would you like to go shopping?”
I knew she didn’t, I was just playing clueless, or trying to.
Maria said, “No, I will retire early, it will be a big day tomorrow.”
I nodded and followed her up the stairs and into the room. When the doors closed I cast the dispel magic glyph against the whole room, save my bracelet, before I warded and casting new protections. In time my staff would be immune to such a spell, but until I had fed it enough magic to be a permanent enchantment I needed to take care of it.
I knew I was being paranoid, but the possibility of people listening through magic had occurred to me. And although I didn’t detect any magic at all, I knew very well the magic could be hidden. It was the first time we had been truly alone in the last three days.
I sighed and sat heavily before asking, “Maria? Are we in as deep a shit as I think we are? Or has Sandoval always been more heavy handed with their people? This kingdom is depressing.”
She answered soberly, “I’m not sure. When I was fifteen we made the trip here. I had noticed a difference then, but it didn’t seem quite so bad to me. Not sure if that was because of my age or not though. I don’t think it was…” she trailed off.
She said, “My father told me then, that power corrupts. It’s human nature. He also told me our family rules better because of the threat of Zual. We see and defend against the model, of the power of corruption, from day to day, which he thinks, makes it easier for us to resist it. We know where it leads, Sandoval does not. Of course, it’s not quite that simple, we are raised not to abuse our subjects… but it does make it easier not to choose the other path when we can see so clearly it leads to ruin.
“I don’t know if that’s the answer here, I just know I do not wish to live here, much less marry Prince Levi, but I have my duty.”
We got ready for bed at that point and I was desperately trying to think of something that might cheer her spirit. I hated seeing her like this. Then I caught it, a brief look, the same as that night when I first started my staff, a look of longing as she quickly turned away and got into bed. I doubted my perception moments later, how could that be?
The idea of same sex attraction was not lost on me, and didn’t bother me at all. In fact it may be the only way I could find love some day. I doubted I could ever be with a man after what I went through, despite knowing that all men were not like that, not at all. It was me, I was broken. Which… was kind of the point, why would she ever desire me? I did love her of course, as a friend. Just as a friend? I didn’t know.
In fact, I finally found something that would be worth dying for, that I would not sacrifice to keep living. I shook my head, I couldn’t allow myself to consider it, she was a princess, and had duties and responsibilities. Plus, was I even capable of returning that love? I didn’t dare pursue it, that way only lies pain. Even if this fell through her uncle would wed her to someone else of his choice.
I shook off my thoughts and started meditating on all we had learned, when that failed to distract me I went over all the rituals I had read about, but I couldn’t think of anything else useful for a quick cast through an item. Finally I lied down to try and fall asleep, it took a long while as I most definitely wasn’t thinking about the way she looked at me.
I woke up from a restless night of sleep. I couldn’t afford to not be alert, so I cast my hygiene and refreshment spells. I would try and get a good night’s rest tonight. Using magic to replace sleep would eventually catch up to me. More than a night or two in a row is bad for the body.
We moved out after a quick breakfast and I tried not to worry too much about what was coming. I would wait until we got to the city, or at least, I would try to. It wasn’t like I could really do anything about it anyway, except take our people and go. This was their kingdom, I had no right.
By late morning I could see the city, the closer we got the grimmer I felt. There was no laughter or running children in the streets as I saw in Lethia. There were hopeless looks, and the children looked hungry, their clothes threadbare as we made our way through the city. The closer we got to the palace the squalor seemed less apparent. There was some life in the people here but it seemed limited to the most affluent.
As we rode through the gates to the palace I noticed they were very high number of guards. How could I possibly leave my Maria here? My Maria? I shook my head. When had that happened in my mind? She reached over and took my hand and squeezed it.
Maria said with watery eyes, “It is worse, I am sure of it now.”
I said facetiously, “No crying, you know what will happen.”
She snorted out a laugh, “Yes, I’ll look absolutely horrible.”
I nodded and said in a faux sagely voice, “We can’t have that, I’d have to defend your honor from all those insults, it would get ugly and possibly start a war. See how bad tears are?”
She started giggling, then asked, “Can you fix it?”
I casted a spell to fix her appearance and even a quick heal to take the red out of her eyes. The heal of course made us both feel a lot better, the sensation was almost addicting. Of course, the feeling wore off quickly when the carriage stopped and we had to get out.
The palace was stunning, I don’t know why that surprised me, but it did. We were being led toward the throne room. I brought up memories of my time with Master Hollis to get myself to smile at least somewhat genuinely as we entered the large room. I don’t know what I expected to see, perhaps a monster, but I didn’t see that at all. I should have known better.
King Leland smiled at us in welcome as we approached the dais. He looked to be in his fifties. Dark hair mixed in with gray, brown eyes. His son was seated beside him, I could see the resemblance, he had the same brown eyes and dark hair. He was not smiling but wearing a neutral face. Queen Charlotte was seated at his other side, she was in her forties and still had much of the beauty from her youth. Long black hair and green eyes studied us.
Their daughter, Princ
ess Elaine was still in her mid teens. She looked… bored. She had long black hair as well, but her eyes were her father’s. On either side of the dais were the court mages, who to my annoyance were both wearing blue robes. Seemed only Lethia masters wore white. I laughed at myself internally; I really needed to let that go.
I assumed the older man who looked about forty was the master court mage Darnell. He had long brown hair, hazel eyes and a handsome face. His eyes also looked… empty, the smile on his face dying at his lips. The apprentice court mage Ollie wore a genuine smile, he was young, maybe sixteen. He was still holding on to his boyish looks. He had blond hair and blue eyes, perhaps a shade darker than mine on both counts.
King Leland said, “Welcome. I trust your trip went well through my kingdom?”
Maria curtseyed and said, “Thank you for your welcome, it is our pleasure to be here. Our trip went very well through your kingdom, Captain Samuel was diligent regarding our safety.”
We went through a tiresome series of introductions, the only thing of note to me was that the court mage, Darnell, seemed to not be entirely here. I resisted the urge to try and figure it out with my magic, it wasn’t why I was here, not my responsibility, and would probably be insulting on top of that.
When introductions were complete the King said, “I am sure your travels were wearying, I shall have my Sentinel bring you to your rooms and see you tonight for dinner.”
We all bowed, then we were led out of the throne room as the next group were led in for an audience. I paid attention to where we were going, not wanting to get lost later as we were led through a variety of halls. At last we were delivered to our suite of rooms. The princess’s room had two bedrooms, one behind the other. Apparently it was my duty to take the outer bedroom and protect her virtue from any nighttime visitors.
The knights were in the next room over but I wondered how much we would see them anyway. They would probably be closeted with their counterparts for the treaty. I warded the rooms so we would have some privacy and hoped it was not a breach of etiquette. I also changed the protections on both myself and Maria. I tried to be sure even if someone attacked, a counter attack would be at my discretion, not a spells. Right now it would simply stop an attack and move us away if necessary.
I said unsure, “Well, what’s your first impression?”
Maria shrugged, “I didn’t get any bad vibes and they seemed friendly enough. If it hadn’t been for what we saw on the way in I would think everything was great.”
My thoughts mirrored hers, “I agree, outside of the weird feeling of emptiness I was getting from Master mage Darnell.”
She grinned and said, “Who knows, maybe I could help guide changes if things… work out.”
I smiled back and said, “Well, at least he’s handsome, he may not have been smiling, but he wasn’t exactly hostile either.”
The conversation felt a little awkward, I didn’t want her staying here, and she didn’t want to stay. It was depressing but we were trying to make the best of it. Then I heard a knock on the door. It was master mage Darnell. He finally had life on his face, and he looked… nervous and furtive.
He attempted a smile then said, “Master mage Sylvia. The king was concerned with a foreign mage being here but accepts that you were chosen as you declared to Captain Samuel. He asks only that you refrain from doing spell work while here.”
I frowned and said, “Outside of my duties I would not dream of it, but I would reserve the right to use magic to ensure the Princess’s privacy in these rooms, as well as preserve the virtue of her body. I will of course, allow our hosts to see to the safety of our persons while we are here. Unless of course, we are threatened when we have no other protection?”
Darnell looked annoyed at this, but acceded. “Please be, circumspect.”
He bowed to Maria and nodded his head at me before turning and leaving the room. When I let him out and turned, I noticed a small piece of parchment on the floor. I opened it up and read, my confusion growing.
Take the Princess and run. Go. You are not safe here. Do not question me about this note, do not trust me or my apprentice, just go. I fear war is inevitable anyway.
Speechless, I handed the note to Maria. I had an inkling of what was going on but no proof. If he warned us and was untrustworthy at the same time, someone, somewhere in this palace, was using mind control magic. That would explain his look of emptiness as well.
Maria said, “I don’t understand, this seems, contradictory.”
I told her my thoughts on it and she asked, “Can you do anything to help? Could this be a Zual plot, or just a power mad mage in Sandoval’s doing?”
I slowly sat down and said, “I can’t help, or prove anything, at least, not without… Using mind magic myself. I… can’t, don’t want to do that.”
Maria gaped at me and asked, “I thought you couldn’t anymore, you said…”
I sighed deeply, “Since becoming a master a little over two weeks ago I can. The light being revoked its geas, something about my free will.”
She asked, “Is it really evil if used to free people?”
I shook my head, “I don’t need it to free anyone, I can just dispel it with light magic. I would only have to use it to find out who, and to prove it is necessary. But, if I’m wrong, it would horribly backfire and cause an incident.
“But even if used to help free them, it is still dark, it is still evil magic. It violates free will and privacy, it violates what makes a person who they are. But that’s how it starts, you don’t just start controlling people, it’s a gradual decline. First you do it to help someone, or so you don’t have to kill them. It’s easy to rationalize. Then you decide raising demons for power isn’t really evil, after all if you’re in control you could make it do good things. The power you reap could be focused into a positive.
“And pretty soon, if you lack the power to make all your people safe you decide, well, if I just sacrifice this one person, and steal their power, I can save the rest. Cause that’s better right? One death caused by you over the many you can’t stop. It’s seductive, and easy to justify. I will never use dark magic again, geas or not, it is never right to use it.
“It seems insane when you balance it, but it would be better to let this kingdom fall than to turn to evil to save it. That said, light and neutral magic can save it as well, it just isn’t as easy.”
I was upset and wondering how she would react. I was surprised to find myself being hugged fiercely by Maria.
She whispered in my ear, “I am so proud of you Silvia, you’re right and I am so sorry I asked it of you.”
I hugged her back and said, “So, run for the hills?”
She shook her head and said, “No, if war is inevitable as things stand we must stay to try and change it. Figure out who the puppet master is and stop them. They must be sloppy if the mage was able to write us a note and drop it like that. I wonder if the king is under this influence, or just subtly manipulated into treating his subjects worse. He seemed very lucid which makes the latter more likely, we need to step carefully. However if we do find out the King is knowingly involved, we will have no choice but to run.”
We heard a knock and jumped apart, then we both laughed nervously as I went to open the door. There were three young ladies there, the one in the center said, “My lady, we are here to help you and the princess prepare for dinner.
The experience of having someone bathe and dress me was unique and awkward at first. They didn’t have servants for that in Lethia, at least, not for an apprentice court mage. However after a bit I relaxed and enjoyed it, I knew if any of them had ill intent they would have been unable to touch either of us. This pampering thing wasn’t bad at all…
Chapter 10
I looked in the mirror and admitted to myself I looked fantastic, I felt armored for tonight. Once the final touches were put on Maria I had to force myself not to stare, she looked amazing. Maybe there was something to this lady maid idea. I shook my he
ad, not important I reminded myself.
We were escorted to the dining hall and announced, everyone else was already out there save the royal family, they would come in last even with guests. As we started the meal I made the decision to go ahead and cast detect poison on the courses since it would be undetectable. I felt a small amount of guilt, but dismissed it. To take a chance on it would be stupid.
I spent my time on empty headed chatter and studying the people in the room, it seemed that the only two people under control was prince Levi and mage Darnell, they were just a bit too divorced from reality. I imagined that between his court mage and son, the king could be manipulated easily. At least, I hoped so, the alternative would be very bad.
The fourth course, which was venison, was poisoned. Both my plate and Maria’s. I decided subtlety was the way to go here, if I announced it I would be questioned about magic use and it wouldn’t help draw anyone out. Instead I decided to cast remove poison, with hidden magic of course, on both our plates. Then I kept an eye out on all the people.
It wasn’t hard to figure out the culprit, I just couldn’t believe it. The apprentice who had a smug smile about him all night kept giving us strange looks as our food disappeared. I could feel his shielding, it was so weak. How could he be controlling a master mage? Well, this is either going to go very well or very badly.
I cast two glyphs at once, not bothering to hide it. One of air to hold him still, the other the truth spell. I also did it while asking him in a loud voice that brought silence to the room, “So, Ollie, why are you looking at us so strangely.”
His shield popped in a violent flash as my spells took effect and he answered, “Because the poison should have killed you and the slut princess by now.”